About R&D

The R&D unit is driven by expert clinicians and healthcare scientists contributing to the hospital networks, academic institutions, industrial collaborators, and charitable organizations. Our staffs have leading roles in research, biobanking, and educating both locally and internationally. We are proud that the R&D unit plays an important role in MELAL Medical Laboratory by training staffs to enhance their qualifications in the clinical service. We have a firm commitment to maintaining and supporting current and new R&D activities, providing a robust framework to successfully deliver next generation developments into clinical practice.

Promoting human health is our vision for future researches of the department. The R&D activities lead to the enhancement and simplification of diagnostic methods, resulting in significant savings in budget and time for the society. The R&D unit offers services to hospitals, healthcare systems, physicians, research institutes, medical universities, graduate students, employers, and private medical laboratories.


To achieve this goal, MELAL Medical Laboratory’s R&D unit

  • Develops new tests, translates emerging diagnostic concepts and fosters the advent of cutting-edge technologies in the field of medical diagnostics.

  • Encourages dissemination and integration of research knowledge into the medical diagnosis.

  • Collaborates with National and International organizations for conducting applied research to establish innovative and cost-effective diagnostic solutions.


Training and research

  • Professional training

Full-time training programs for MSc and Ph.D. students in all departments.

  • Research

Our researches vary from fundamental to advanced diagnostic methods, concentrating on promoting human health in the short-term and long-term vision. Also, the R&D unit announces its enthusiasm to collaborate in research and academic projects.

Isfahan, Shahid Aghababaei expressway, Sepehr St., Shahrak-e Salamat, Building 2, Second Floor, R&D Unit

Contact phone number:+9831 3715 4445
Opening hours:Sat – wed: 08 – 14
Thur: 08 – 13