§ Anemias unique to the fetus and neonate
The reference ranges used to define normal hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte count, and the erythrocyte indices, change considerably during fetal life as well as in the weeks after birth. Consequently, the laboratory findings that define anemia in a fetus or neonate are highly dependent on the gestational and postnatal age. The most common cause of anemia in fetus and neonate is hemolytic anemia. Causes of hemolytic anemia in newborns are immune medicated (Rh and ABO incompatibility), congenital erythrocyte enzyme defects and hereditary erythrocyte membrane disorders.
Lab tests:
CBC and Automated Differential
Blood Smear with Interpretation
Reticulocyte count
Hb electrophoresis
Iron and TIBC
Coombs test (Direct and indirect antiglobulin test)
Evaluation of G6PD
Indirect and direct bilirubin level